On 16th June 2011, Mail online ran an article titled: “Our Deadly Anorexia Pact” featuring the incredible and heartbreaking story of twins Maria and Katy Campbell and their life-long struggle with Anorexia Nervosa. It all started by an innocent, harmless remark made by one of their parents when they were […]
Wellness & Health
21 posts
Top Tips for Getting More Done With Less Stress A little stress can help you concentrate and focus. Unfortunately, we are constantly bombarded with demands from people who are unconcerned or oblivious of our suffocating workload and who have the “I-need-it-yesterday” mentality. This invariably stresses you out, exhausting the precious energy […]
Quit Smoking with a Little Help from Technology We applauded the new initiative undertook by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) Singapore to help smokers quit smoking. HPB has roll-out a new mobile application that wanna-be-quitter can installed on their iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to help them track their progress.