Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of frequently asked questions about Psychotherapy in general and Hypnotherapy in particular. To view the answer, simply click on the question. Please note that the terms ‘Subconscious’ and ‘Unconscious’ are used interchangeably on this website.


  • Why should I choose your service?
    • Why should you should choose us?…Because:

      1. You receive professional quality services during every treatment. We are professional therapists after all.
      2. You’re better served. Your treatment plan is customized and progressively updated specifically to your requirements.
      3. You always get the most comprehensive treatments as we constantly upgrade our skills and treatment procedures to suit your needs.
      4. Your confidentiality is protected. We respect your rights to confidentiality. Information shared with us during therapy is kept strictly private and confidential.
      5. Do you want your therapist to be a part-timer? We think not. Our therapists are full-time professionals dedicated to working with you and for you.
      6. You’re welcomed into a safe, comfortable, and conducive environment where you can speak freely from your heart and mind; you’re in a protected domain where you can openly work out your issues without reservation; without fear of judgement, ridicule, prejudice, and discrimination.

      Last but not least, you should choose us because you have a problem which we have the means to help you resolve it. In doing so, we make the world a better, happier place.

      We care about your well-being.

  • What is your Consultation Rate?
    • Consultation rates differ depending on the treatment type and various other factors, for instance, students, seniors, or PG Card holders.

      Our firm provides package deals and Special Offers from time to time hence consultation rates varies during the offer period. Please use the form below to request for the most current charges.

  • What types of therapy do you offer?
    • Ministry of Therapy offers a wide variety of contemporary therapies for you. These include:

      1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT),
      2. Clinical Hypnotherapy,
      3. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
      4. Motivational Interviewing (MI),
      5. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),
      6. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and many more.

      Regardless of your temperament and predicament, you can rest assured that one or more of these evidence-based, scientifically proven therapeutic approaches to be congenial and effective.

  • What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?
    • Clinical Hypnotherapy uses hypnotic techniques to bring about beneficial behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal changes.

      Utilizing states of deep relaxation, the therapist assists in uncovering and exploring memories, emotions, past events, and maladaptive thought or behavioral patterns which may in certain ways negatively affect a person’s current state of mind, behavior, or emotion. The therapist consequently helps activate the client’s inner resources in order to achieve the desired goals.

      Clinical Hypnotherapy is used to treat numerous medical and psychological problems. Hypnotic techniques are useful to stop smoking, overcome alcohol and substance abuse, treating stress, sleep disorders and mental health problems such as anxiety, fear, phobias and depression.

  • What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
    • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic approach that has been scientifically proven to be efficacious in addressing an array of emotional and psychological distress such as anger, phobias, addiction, depression and anxiety.

  • What is Hypnosis?
    • Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness (ASC), mind, or awareness. It is used by qualified professionals (such as doctors, dentists, psychologists, or trained-professionals) to treat psychological, emotional, or physical problems.

      When a person is under hypnosis—the Trance state as it is sometimes called, he or she is in a state of deep inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. Analogous to the use of a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun, make them more powerful. When our minds are concentrated and focused, we are able to use our minds more powerfully.

      In the trance state, the body experiences a state of deep physical relaxation while the mind remains clear, alert and focused. The Subconscious* mind becomes open and highly suggestible.

      It may be interesting to note that we enter this altered state of mind naturally many times throughout the course of a day. It is just that most of us are unaware of it happening. For instance, when driving, we may get so engrossed in our thoughts that we drove to our destination without knowing how we got there. This is commonly known as “Highway hypnosis”.

      Another instance is when we go to the movies and get so caught up in the drama of the story we forget that we are only watching a movie. All of these are examples of a natural state of hypnosis.

      *Note: The terms ‘Subconscious’ and ‘Unconscious’ are used interchangeably on this website.

  • What is the difference between Clinical Hypnotherapy and Stage Hypnosis?
    • The difference between Clinical Hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis is like night and day. Stage hypnosis is purely for fun and entertainment while Clinical Hypnotherapy is by definition, for therapeutic purpose. A Clinical Hypnotherapist utilizes advance methods of hypnosis to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems.

      Clinical Hypnotherapy is an established complementary therapy with an excellent track record. A number of medical university hospitals in the UK are offering an overview of clinical hypnotherapy as an Selective Study Unit.

  • How Effective is Clinical Hypnotherapy?
    • Clinical Hypnotherapy (or Medical Hypnotherapy, or Clinical Hypnosis) is recognized by the scientific community as an effective healing tool. It is known to be successful where other interventions have not been able to produce the desired outcome.

      There is encouraging evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of hypno-therapeutic procedures in alleviating the symptoms of a range of complaints that fall under the heading ‘psychosomatic illness.’ These include tension headaches and migraine; asthma; gastrointestinal complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome; warts; and possibly other skin complaints such as eczema, psoriasis and urticaria (hives).The British Psychological Society (2001)

      A great deal of research has been conducted on the efficiency and effectiveness of hypnosis. Several investigators during the 1970’s and 1980’s provided clinical and experimental evidence about the effectiveness of hypnosis for smoking cessation, substance abuse, weight loss, phobias, depression, and anxiety. These results were summarized by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis as follows:

      1. Home Study Self-Hypnosis : 2 – 5% success rate
      2. Group Hypnosis Session: 2 – 5% success rate
      3. Single Individual Session: 17 – 20% success rate
      4. Three Individual Sessions: 45 – 50% success rate
      5. Five or More Individual Sessions: 85 – 90% success rate
      In the mental health area, it is used for phobias, anxiety, sexual problems, alcoholism, smoking control, speech disorders, weight control, chronic pain, age regression therapy, self-esteem/ego strengthening, memory/concentration improvement and forensic work. In medicine, it uses include anesthesia and surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, control of bleeding, pain control, burn therapy, dermatology and habit control. Dentistry uses it to control fear, dental surgery, saliva control, gagging, bruxism, control of bleeding, tongue biting and general oral hygiene.American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (2015)

      The researchers also discovered that customizing and individualizing the sessions increased the effectiveness of the sessions dramatically.

      In addition to these studies, Alfred A. Barrios, PhD., has conducted a longitudinal survey of the psychotherapeutic literature and discovered the following success rates for hypnotherapy versus therapeutic methods:

      1. Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
      2. Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
      3. Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

      Hypnosis with multiple, individualized and tailored sessions, is probably one of the most effective ways to bring about desired changes in the least amount of time.

  • How do I know if I can be a hypnotized?
    • If you understand the language of instruction and are willing to follow the therapist’s instruction, you can be hypnotized. The key factor is, you must be willing to cooperate with the therapist in order to achieve the result you seek. The level of trance that you ultimately attain is dependent directly on how well you allow yourself to follow the therapist’s instructions.

  • How would I know if I have been hypnotized?
    • It depends on the individual. Some people may not feel or realized that they were in trance after the session. For some, they may be more aware of changes felt in their bodies than others. You may experience sensations such as weightlessness or floating, heaviness, tingling sensations, or just pleasantly relaxed.

      Nevertheless, whether you consciously knows you were in trance or not is quite irrelevant as the desired changes will become apparent over time, perhaps in a few days or weeks. The effect can be subtle or immediate, depending on how amenable for change your unconsciously mind is during the therapy session.

  • Would I lose control when I’m under hypnosis?
    • Even when you are in trance, you are fully in control and very aware of what is going on at all time. You are always in control. In fact, because your mind will be in an extremely relaxed state and free of the constant “chattering” so common in our conscious daily lives, you are actually in more control of your thoughts and actions.

  • Would I become gullible or weak-minded when I’m under hypnosis?
    • Absolutely not. You are always in control and fully aware of any suggestions given to you even when you are in trance. The mind will reject any negative or undesired suggestion automatically. When you are in trance, you are in a heightened state of awareness.

  • Is Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis a form of “mind control”?
    • Hypnotherapy, or Hypnosis, is certainly not mind control. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotherapist is unable to make you do or say anything against your will unless you wanted to. During hypnosis, you remain in control and are awake and alert the whole time.

  • Is Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis safe?
    • Yes, Clinical Hypnotherapy is certainly safe. In fact, through the years, there has been absolutely no evidence to even suggest that Clinical Hypnotherapy or hypnosis causes any physical, emotional, or psychological damage of any kind. Instead, since relaxation is the primary focus, they actually help to relieve stress, tension and anxieties, which further serves to help you achieve a greater state of relaxation in a far shorter period of time than while in the natural sleep state.

  • When I am in Trance, am I asleep? Would I be aware of what is going on around me?
    • No, you are definitely not asleep, though to an observer, you appear to be sleeping because you are in a state of deep physical relaxation. You are completely awake and aware of your surroundings. While in Trance, you are actually more alert and aware than you typically are in your normal waking state.

  • Are people who can easily be hypnotized just gullible, stupid or weak-minded?
    • Quite the opposite! A gullible, unintelligent or weak-minded person is incapable of maintaining the necessary focus and concentration necessary to go into the hypnotic state. Many of our clients are Graduates, or working professionals or both.

  • Won’t being hypnotized make me become weak-minded or cause me to develop a ‘weak will’?
    • No. Hypnotherapy is used often to boost a person’s concentration and will power.

  • How much would I remember when I wake up? Would I forget everything that went on?
    • Most people remember everything that went on while they were in hypnosis, but sometimes, if they went into a particularly deep state, they may forget what happened. Sometimes the therapist will suggest that the client forget what happened (with the client’s consent obtained prior to hypnosis), and they do. Other times people have the misconception that they are supposed to forget everything, so they do – because they gave themselves the suggestion to forget!

      In any case, your unconscious mind will remember the things that are important to you.

  • How deep into trance will I go?
    • The depth of trance depends entirely upon the individual’s willingness to let go and simply follow the therapist’s instructions. Some people are naturally able to enter a deeper hypnotic state (somnambulists), while others are capable of entering into deeper states because they have experienced trance in the past, practice yoga or meditation.

      The depth of trance a person goes into is not the most important factor for achieving beneficial results, the crucial point is that you are willing to give Hypnotherapy a chance to work.

  • Does the Hypnotherapist have any special ‘powers’?
    • Absolutely not! The Hypnotherapist is just an ordinary person albeit with the required professional knowledge and practical skills to carry out the appropriate therapeutic treatments.

  • Can the Hypnotherapist make me do things against my will?
    • No! A Hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything against your will, morality or ethics. What has been portrait in the movies is pure fantasy. Your mind has the in-born, natural defenses to protect you against harmful or undesirable suggestions and will automatically reject them.

  • Will I wake up afterwards? What happens if I don’t?
    • The majority of people who undergo hypnotherapy will emerge from the state of physical and mental relaxation when guided by the therapist. There may be rare occasions where the client chooses to remain in the hypnotic state because they either entered a particularly deep trance or it feels so good they want to remain in hypnosis. They will eventually drift into a natural sleep state and wake themselves up naturally.

  • How many sessions will I need?
    • The number of sessions required is contingent on the complexity of the presenting symptom as well as the individual’s circumstances and commitment to therapy. Certain symptom can be successfully treated in a single session while others require 5 or more sessions.

  • How long is a therapy session?
    • Each therapy session is 50 minutes long.

      Arrangement can be made, with the therapist, to extend the session in the event that the treatment requires a longer duration.

  • What are the payment modes available?
    • We accept payment in: Cash, cheque, and Internet Fund Transfer.

  • I have anger issue. Can you really help me?
    • We certainly can!

      In our Anger Management course, you will receive a personalized treatment plan that is tailored just for you.

      You will not get a cookie-cutter treatment plan from us ever!

      You work closely with our dedicated, professionally trained therapist to identify the underlying issues that trigger your angry reaction.

      You learn constructive skills allowing you to better manage your emotions and, just as importantly, to communicate your thoughts clearly and assertively.

      So if you often feel angry, irritable, or frustrated over seemingly trivial matters; if you regularly fly into a rage over the slightest provocation; if your relationships or career (or both) is in jeopardy because of your anger issues, contact us today by using the form provided below.

      We have the right solution for you.

      Get in touch with us now.


If you be unable to obtain a satisfactory answer from the list of frequently asked questions above, please use the form below to send us your question. We would be glad to provide you the necessary information.